Do you suffer from anxiety or fear when it comes to receiving dental care? Neglecting your oral health and dental hygiene due to the stress visiting the dentist causes you?
At Newton Dental Group, we understand that the dental office can be a scary place and are proud to offer sedation dentistry in Surrey for those who need a bit of help relaxing while in the dentist’s chair. Newton Dental Group offers various forms of sedation, including local anesthetic and oral sedation. Interested in scheduling an appointment at our practice with sedation dentistry? Contact Newton Dental Group today for an appointment.
Local Anesthetic
A local anesthetic is typically used during certain dental procedures to help numb the are as well as reduce any pain or discomfort the patient may have during the treatment. For more invasive procedures, additional sedation may be recommended.
Oral Sedation
Oral sedation may be a better option for those with more moderate dental anxiety. Oral sedation is prescribed before the treatment and is often an anti-anxiety type of medication. Due to the fact that oral sedation has a more relaxing effect and can take quite a bit of time to wear off, a ride is required to and from your appointment.
Schedule Surrey Sedation Dentistry Today
Ready to schedule your appointment with sedation dentistry near you? Contact Newton Dental Group today!