MEDICATIONS: Pain medication should be taken before the freezing wears off (1-2 hours). Antibiotics must be taken until finished. Take prescribed medication for pain every 4-6 hours. Anti-inflammatory medication will be taken every 12 hours until finished.
SWELLING: Some swelling + bruising is to be expected within the first few days of surgery (3rd/4th day being the worst). To prevent excess swelling, you may apply an ice pack on the side of your face where the surgery was done. 15 minutes on then 15 minutes off throughout the day of surgery if possible. *ONLY FOR THE FIRST 24 HOURS AFTER SURGERY*
BLEEDING: To control initial post-operative bleeding, use tightly rolled gauze packs placed directly on the surgical site for 1-2 hours. Pressure is applied by biting down firmly on the gauze. If that does not help, you can bite down on a moistened tea bag (not herbal tea, standard black tea) wrapped in gauze. If bleeding persists, look in the mirror to locate the source of the blood and place direct pressure on the site with gauzed-wrapped finger.
CLEANING THE SURGERY AREA(S): Do not brush or floss the area till 14 days after the surgery. You will be given a prescribed mouth rinse that you will use in the mornings, and at night time. Do Not pull the lip away to look or touch the surgical site. For Non – Surgical areas, brush with minimal toothpaste then a light water rinse to flush the toothpaste away.
NUTRITION: Drink plenty of fluids and eat a soft diet until your normal diet can be resumed. Avoid hot foods or drinks while your mouth is still frozen. Straws should not be used, as they may increase bleeding.
SMOKING: Avoid smoking at every effort possible for the first week, smoking will only delay your healing.
ACTIVITY: Strenuous exercise, alcohol, long trips & lack of sleep should be avoided for the first few days following surgery. The day of surgery is particularly important that you rest as much as possible to avoid further stress.
SUTURES/POST OPERATIVE CHECK: After 3 weeks, the sutures will be removed & the area cleaned. SOMETIMES the sutures fall out or dissolve before your next appointment, this is normal.
Please Remember: Do not force the floss or brushes through tight contacts. Do not worry about small amounts of Bleeding. In case of abnormal bleeding or severe pain, especially more pain or swelling that appears to develop or get worse within 2 weeks post-surgery, fever or chills, any problems with medications or questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to contact our office or the surgeon who completed your surgery.