HomeImplant & Bone Grafting Home Care Instructions
MEDICATIONS: Pain medication should be taken before the freezing wears off (1-2 hours). Antibiotics must be taken until finished. Take prescribed medication for pain every 4-6 hours. Anti-inflammatory medication will be taken every 12 hours until finished.
ICEPACKS/HEATPACKS: Should be used for the first 24 hours after surgery. They are placed on the face, over the surgical site, alternating for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. After that, moist heat (warm water on a towel) can be placed on the site in the same pattern (20 minutes on and 20 minutes off).
BLEEDING: To control initial post-operative bleeding, use tightly rolled gauze packs placed directly on the surgical site for 1-2hours. Pressure is applied by biting down firmly on the gauze. If that does not help, you can bite down on a moistened tea bag (not herbal tea, standard black tea) wrapped in gauze. If bleeding persists, look in the mirror to locate the source of the blood and place direct pressure on the site with gauzed-wrapped finger.
SWELLING: Swelling will peak 2 days after surgery, and will gradually decrease over the following days. Bruising is very common and will disappear along with the swelling. Contact our office immediately if the swelling suddenly returns after the first week.
RINSING: Rinse two times a day with prescribed chlorhexidine for 14 days. Do not brush teeth in surgical area for at least 2 weeks. All other teeth can be brushed as normal.
NUTRITION: Drink plenty of fluids and eat a soft diet until your normal diet can be resumed. Avoid hot foods or drinks while your mouth is still frozen. Straws should not be used, as they may increase bleeding.
SUTURES: The sutures will have to be removed in 14 days. They are not dissolvable. If one falls out, do not worry about it. If one becomes loose and is irritating to your tongue, call the office and we will schedule you in to have the suture removed.
DENTURES: In most cases, dentures are NOT to be worn until AFTER your first post-operative visit. In all cases, the doctor will determine when dentures can be worn depending on the degree of tissue healing.
EXERCISE: Exercise should be done in moderation during the healing process.
SMOKING: Abstain from smoking for at least 24 hours after surgery. Smoking inhibits blood supply and healing.