
What Do I Need to Know Before Getting a Root Canal?

What Do I Need to Know Before Getting a Root Canal?

With the advancement in modern dentistry, losing a tooth can be difficult. The modern restorative dentistry methods have advanced dramatically to prevent the loss of even a worn-out or severely impacted tooth. Dental trauma, cavities, aging, or poor oral health might contribute to the loss of teeth.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Getting a root canal treatment might seem daunting for most people. The main reason behind this is the rumors that root canal treatment is a time-consuming and painful procedure. But the reality is different, and root canal treatment is a safe and painless dental restorative procedure that is nothing to be scared of.

Root canal treatment is designed to reduce pain and prevent teeth extraction by effectively restoring oral health. A dentist near you provides root canal treatment, and the procedure does not take much time.

Root canal treatment is a part of restorative dentistry that aims to prevent tooth extraction and promotes good oral health. Once you understand the procedure, the treatment is an easy affair. The pulp is a soft tissue present underneath every tooth and houses the delicate network of nerves and blood capillaries. An infection of the pulp can be dangerous and painful. If not treated timely, the infection might spread to the surrounding teeth.

Repeated fillings, a crack or chip of the teeth might stimulate infection of the pulp. The underlying nerves can become irritated or inflamed due to the infection or decay. These are the symptoms that you would need a root canal treatment:

  • Extreme sensitivity to hot and cold food and beverages
  • Sharp pain in the teeth and jaws while biting or chewing
  • Pimples on the gums
  • A chipped or cracked tooth
  • Painful and swollen gums
  • Darkened or deeply decayed gums

Do You Need Cleaning Before a Root Canal?

The dentist cleans the surrounding teeth and site of root canal treatment to ensure that the treatment is not infected with bacteria. The hygienist cleans the oral cavity with an anti-bacterial mouthwash. The dentist then drills into the affected tooth to remove the infected pulp and decayed tissues. The area is cleaned with a series of root files and finally washed.

The root files are scrapped all along the length of the drilled hole to remove traces of debris and bacteria. The cleaning is completed by spraying a sodium hypochlorite solution to flush the debris. Once the area is cleaned and sanitized, the dentist seals the hole with dental sealants. Some dentists might use a temporary sealant to observe whether the infection is recurring.

Dentists generally allow eating even one hour before root canal treatment. It is better to brush your teeth before undergoing an endodontic procedure. The dentist might also opt for deep cleaning to ensure that the oral cavity and site of root canal treatment are clean.

Things to Know Before Root Canal Treatment

The first thing to know is that root canal treatment is a relatively non-invasive dental procedure. It is not as painful as depicted by most people. The procedure is likely to cause some discomfort, but it is not that gruesome.

The root canal treatment is capped off with a dental crown and placed on the dental filling as a protective measure to improve the functionality and aesthetic value. It is better not to smoke or consume alcohol before undergoing root canal treatment.

Although the Surrey dentist allows eating even before one hour of the treatment but is better to eat a few hours before undergoing root canal treatment. You can also take over-the-counter painkillers before the treatment by consulting your dentist to reduce the pain.

What Can I Do While Waiting for A Root Canal?

While you wait for your turn at the dental clinic, you may discuss the aftercare techniques with the dentist in detail. You may load your phone with audiobooks or an addictive podcast to keep you distracted while waiting for your turn. The aim should be to keep yourself relaxed.

You may book an appointment with Newton Dental Group, which offers flexible hours and comprehensive dental service. We aspect all major insurances to ensure that you have hassle-free dental care. Our team of experienced dentists also offer a wide variety of cosmetic dental care.

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