Understanding the Procedures of Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are thin shells that are placed on the tooth’s surface. They are custom-made to take the tooth’s shape and shade. Dental veneers are used to improve dental aesthetics, whether in cosmetic or restorative dentistry.
Dental veneers can be partial or full. Partial veneers only cover the affected part of the enamel. Full veneers are used to cover the whole teeth. They are also used in covering tooth gaps.
Types of Dental Veneers
There are two types of dental veneers available at Newton Dental Group. They are;
- Porcelain veneers. These are strong, thin caps that are placed on the surface of the teeth. They have a natural look and do not stain. The enamel has to be removed before the placement of porcelain veneers.
- Resin-based composite veneers. These types of veneers are cheaper compares to porcelain veneers. They require less removal of the enamel or no enamel removal. Composite veneers are mostly used when replacing broken or cracked teeth.
When Are Dental Veneers Used?
Dental veneers are not only used in cosmetic and restorative dentistry but also used to protect and prevent teeth from damage. Teeth veneers are used in:
- Teeth Whitening
Coffee, tobacco, and highly pigmented foods can easily stain teeth. Dental veneers can be used in teeth whitening and do not stain easily.
- Chipped or Cracked Teeth
Accidents are unavoidable. They can lead to direct trauma on your teeth, causing them to crack or chip. In order to camouflage these faults, dental veneers are fixed on the affected tooth surfaces.
- Worn out Enamel
Over time the enamel can be worn out due to intake of acidic foods or over-brushing. An eroded enamel cannot grow back hence the need of using veneers to replace them.
- Uneven Teeth
Uneven teeth can cause grinding or bite issues. Dental veneers can be used to align teeth.
Procedure for Dental Veneer
Dental veneers procedure can require three or two appointments. Stages that are followed during veneer treatment procedures include;
- Diagnosis and a Treatment Plan
During the consultation appointment, your dentist will do a dental checkup. A thorough dental examination is done to determine the best treatment plan for you. An X-ray may be taken to make dental impressions of the dental structure.
- Teeth Preparation
Another appointment may be scheduled for teeth preparation. During the preparation, the dentist may use a local anesthetic to numb any discomfort. The teeth in question are then reshaped by trimming a small part of the enamel.
An impression of the affected teeth is then made and sent to the laboratory for manufacturing. Veneer making usually takes about 2 to 3 weeks. As you wait, temporary veneers are placed to protect the teeth.
- Veneer Bonding
This is the last stage of the procedure. The constructed veneers are compared with your teeth to check if they are of the correct size and shade. Slightly larger veneers are trimmed until they fit right with the targeted tooth. The colours of the veneers to be used can be adjusted using the bonding cement.
The targeted teeth are then polished, cleaned and etched. Etching will roughen the teeth, which strengthens the bonding process. The veneers are then applied a special cement before placing them on the teeth.
After positioning, the dentist then shines a special beam light on the veneer. This beam of light activates the chemicals in the cement, hardening it. The excess cement is then removed while checking your bite. Adjustments are then made if need be. A follow-up appointment may be scheduled to check the status of the veneers and your gums after a few weeks.
Veneers After Care
- Veneers can easily break under pressure. Avoid using your teeth to bite off nails or opening sachets.
- Maintain a proper teeth care routine. Veneers can get cavities around or under them if not properly taken care of. It would be best if you flossed or brush twice a day.
- Having regular dental cleanings and checkups to get rid of plaque and prevent dental issues.
- Ensure you wear mouth guards when engaging in sports or accident-prone activities.
- Rinse your mouth or brush after taking wine, coffee, carbonate soda or tea.