

The Reality about Recovering from Implant Placement

Are you planning on getting dental implants soon to replace your missing teeth? The dentist from Newton may have recommended dental implants as the best replacement solution currently available as substitutes for your natural teeth. However, dental implants require surgery to embed the titanium post deep into your jawbone. The term surgery may have overwhelmed you, but if you want natural-looking artificial teeth lasting you for a lifetime, it is worthwhile to undergo the implant placement procedure.

Dental implant recovery differs between patients and the specific surgery they received in terms of challenges or the number of implants. However, you can see a considerable improvement in symptoms in fewer than a week. However, let us provide some information to help you go through the procedure comfortably with ease.

Recovery Time

The recovery time after getting a dental implant near me is shorter than you believe. Most significant symptoms of the surgical process subside within the first week. Unfortunately, the recovery itself may take longer depending on the number of teeth you had implanted. In addition, you can expect to experience mild bleeding around the implant site as you leave the dentist’s office. This is entirely normal with any surgical procedure, and dental implants are no exception to this rule. However, the bleeding should subside within a few hours after the procedure. You can also experience pain and swelling besides drainage at the site, which should clear up in 48 to 72 hours.

By day three, a significant portion of the bruising would have dissipated, and the pain should subside considerably. However, you may experience jaw stiffness, sore throat and tongue and some dryness that will decrease by day seven.

Number of Implants Placed

The number of implants you received from the dentist in Surrey determines your recovery time. If you received a single implant, the recovery time is faster than having full-mouth implants. For example, you can recover faster from a single implant than getting the all on 4 implant placements to replace an entire arch of teeth in the upper or lower jaw.

Bone Grafts

You may require bone grafts if your jawbone is not solid or dense to support the stress implants put on the bone. Bone grafts are recommended by dentists if you lack adequate bone thickness to extend recovery time by another few weeks, with most discomfort subsiding within the next couple of months. The recovery time from bone grafts depends on how much bone was needed because a minor bone graft will not extend recovery time by a large margin.

Recovery Tips

Use Heat and Ice

Ice is an excellent pain reliever, especially if you find yourself developing swelling. Ice also helps reduce inflammation besides assisting in blocking local nerves from sending pain signals. Heat is also beneficial but is better used with caution if there is no risk of infection. The heat pulls blood away from the surgical site to the cheek to cause the spreading of an infection. Infections are not likely, but it is better to exercise caution before risking any home remedy.

Brushing Lightly

An essential aspect of the healing process is maintaining your dental hygiene appropriately. You must brush your teeth but stay away from the implanted tooth or be careful around the new implant. In addition, you find it beneficial to purchase a soft-bristled toothbrush to reduce the risk of damage to the healing tissue.

Rinsing your mouth with saltwater

Rinsing your mouth with salt water a few times every day helps with pain besides reducing the risk of infections or swelling due to fluid buildup. The rinsing also helps clean areas inside the mouth painful or challenging to clean with a toothbrush during the recovery.

Use Antiseptic Mouthwash

Use antiseptic mouthwash containing menthol because it helps clean bacteria from your mouth and leaves behind a cooling effect due to the menthol. The antiseptic mouthwash is beneficial during the first week of recovery when you experience the highest inflammation.

Acidic and Hard Foods Are Better Avoided

When recovering from dental implant surgery, it is inevitable for you to avoid acidic and hard foods because biting down on complex substances can damage the newly implanted tooth. In addition, acidic foods irritate the tissue surrounding the implanted tooth. Therefore these foods are better avoided until you have recovered entirely. These precautions should allow you to shop for soft foods you like, such as yogurt, oatmeal, bananas, beans, and potatoes.

During your recovery process, it would be best to stay away from smoking that hinders recovery. After you recover, you can enjoy your newly implanted artificial tooth and begin enjoying all the foods and beverages you love, as you did before you lost your natural tooth.

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