

Importance of Periodontal Health In Dental Implant Procedures

Everyone hopes that their natural teeth will last them a lifetime. This is the most ideal situation that would allow you to keep sharing your smile with the world. However, this perfect idea is not something that everyone gets to enjoy. Now and then, we encounter people who have lost their adult teeth and are now shy to share their smiles. This should not be your story in the 21st century when there are many teeth replacement solutions in dentistry. Even then, do you qualify for some of the tooth replacement procedures that exist like dental implants? Are you healthy enough to get your teeth replaced?

What Are Dental Implants?

They are small metal fixtures mimicking a metal screw that is used in dentistry for tooth replacement procedures. These metal posts are made of titanium metal, which makes them very sturdy materials for replacing teeth, closely matching the strength of natural teeth.

Another unique factor about dental implants is that they are installed in the jawbone, underneath the gum tissue. Ideally, your dentist will cut open your gum tissue and, drill your jawbone to insert the metal post. This ensures that the implant has ample support. As soon as the implant integrates with your mouth and your wound is properly healed, a dental crown is placed over it to complete the treatment. It is safe to say that dental implants are replacement options for the roots of teeth, rather than the crowns.

More About Periodontal Health

Periodontal health is concerned with the periodontium, which largely consists of the gum tissue and the bone tissue of the oral cavity. Therefore, this area of dentistry is focused on nurturing healthy gums and bone tissues. While this may not sound import at to you, in dentistry, a lot depends on the health of your gums and bone tissue.

For one, teeth can stay in place stably because of the support of the jawbone and the gum tissue. When either of them is compromised, your teeth are very likely to fall off prematurely, even without being subjected to dental decay.

Dental Implant Procedures and Periodontal Health

Understanding more about periodontal health can better help you understand how it is important for procedures regarding dental implants in Surrey.

The one thing that brings these two concepts together is the mere process of installing dental implants. As mentioned above, dental implants are inserted in the jawbone through a surgical procedure. Ideally, the jawbone and the gum tissue hole the implant in place, similar to how a natural tooth is supported.

If your jawbone health is in question, then the implantation procedure will not be successful. The same applies to your gums. The health of your gum tissue and jawbone is, therefore, paramount for successful dental implant surgery. If anything, it is the first thing that your dentist checks for when you are up for the implantation procedure. Any anomalies in the health of your gum tissue can easily disqualify you from the treatment.

Preparing for Dental Implants

The health of your oral cavity can impact the kind of treatments you receive. If you are committed to getting dental implants, there is no reason you should not get them. However, you have to prepare yourself so that you qualify for the procedure. Some tips to help you prepare to include the following:

  • Eat healthily– this is not just for your oral cavity, but your entire body. What you eat, ultimately affects the outcome of your body, including the health of your gums. Besides, your jawbone will need the exercise of chewing healthy foods, while absorbing all the nutrient s and vitamins.
  • Watch your oral hygiene– poor oral hygiene breeds plaque, which is the main component of gum disease. Consider flossing every day, and brushing your teeth at least twice daily.
  • Quit smoking– if you are going to have healthy gums, you might as well change up your lifestyle to allow for it.
  • Get surgery– if your gums have already receded, the best you can do is get gum surgery. This surgery will restore your gum tissue through the gum grafting technique, restoring the health thereof.
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