
Can Wearing Dentures Affect Your Speech?

Can Wearing Dentures Affect Your Speech?

Have you lost most of your teeth and are considering dentures as replacements for them? You will know that replacing lost teeth is essential for your dental and oral health. When you discuss dentures with your friends or people around you, information may flow in that dentures while helping you restore your appearance can impact your speech.

Your concerns are legitimate because you wouldn’t want another problem bothering you when talking soon after investing in a new set of replacement teeth. Unfortunately, you will likely go through an adjustment period when chewing, speaking, and other everyday activities feel different soon after you have your prosthetic teeth in your mouth. You require a couple of weeks to adjust to the new appliance in your mouth goes your tongue requires some time to adapt to the new environment. After your mouth changes, you learn to communicate normally.

If you confront challenges even after the initial two weeks, it indicates your dentures are not suitable for you for the following reasons:

Wrong Size of Height

If you didn’t have the dentures created by an experienced professional like the dentist in Surrey, BC, the appliance is too high or short for your mouth. The problem can cause challenges for your tongue to position itself to make the sounds required to communicate. The wrong size of the dentures also leave you with a sore jaw after eating and remains uncomfortable in your mouth. Dentures have an adjustment period when they are new. However, improperly made dentures can prolong the adjustment period or continue posing challenges to make it difficult for you to communicate or eat correctly. Furthermore, if your dentures are too big for your mouth, they change their shape and movement of sound through it making speech difficult.

Loose Dentures

If your dentures are clicking or slipping in your mouth, especially when talking, it indicates the dentures are loose and ill-fitting. In such cases, your tongue must work hard to keep your dentures in place and doesn’t get the time to focus on your speech. As a result, you may start mispronouncing words finding it challenging to coordinate the movement in your mouth.

Uncomfortable Dentures

When you visit the dentist near me complaining about uncomfortable dentures, it indicates the prosthetics weren’t fabricated correctly, and the thickness of the denture affects your speech. Even if your dentures are tight, the appliance may affect your speech because your tongue has little or no space to move around to make sounds. The matter is not minor and requires you to visit your denturist to adjust your dentures.

The reasons mentioned in this article indicate that incorrectly made or ill-fitting dentures are responsible for affecting your speech and also provide you reasons on how they do it. Correctly fabricated dentures for your missing teeth fit properly in your mouth and enable you to speak clearly. Unless dentures are made according to measurements and match perfectly against the roof of your mouth with the correctly sized teeth height, they should not change the size of your mouth or the sound passing through it.

How Can You Overcome the Challenges of Speaking with Dentures?

When you get dentures as missing teeth replacements and improve your oral health, you must understand that you are getting an artificial appliance in your mouth as a substitute for your natural teeth. Your mouth will not become accustomed to the new device overnight and needs some time and cooperation from you to function appropriately.

After you have dentures placed, you must begin practicing talking out loud at home with family members or in front of mirrors to determine which words are challenging for you to pronounce. You can consider this straightforward procedure to practice the way you talk for a few days making notes of any comments that you need to practice.

You can consider biting down gently and swallowing before you begin talking. This exercise enables your dentures to remain in the position they should be to allow you to speak clearly. So long as your dentures fit correctly, they stay in place and make it easy for you to communicate with people around you.

The problems you encounter with speech are usually with traditional dentures that sit on your gums and are not held by dental implants. However, if you have them, there is no need for concern because you can overcome the problems you experienced with your speech in a couple of weeks to begin enjoying your new life with dentures.

If you require dentures as replacements for your missing teeth, get the prosthetics made by an experienced professional like the Newton Dental Group and get your replacement teeth customized for your mouth.

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