
All You Need To Know Before Considering Tooth Extraction

All You Need To Know Before Considering Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is the removal of one’s teeth from the mouth. Tooth extraction, contrary to what people believe is not painful or traumatic. It is important to know that tooth extraction is not a terrifying process.

It is normal for you to feel a little discomfort during tooth removal, however, most of what we know about tooth extraction are just assumptions or myths most of these assumptions that make people scared of tooth extractions arise from rumors that have remained unclear, movies that we watch that misinform us, and our culture also.

Before removing any of your teeth, you will be given anesthesia to numb your mouth and prevent you from feeling pain. The kind of anesthesia you will be given will depend on the tooth extraction procedure that is about to be carried out. However, the anesthesia won’t stop you from feeling that a part of you has been detached, hence the slight discomfort that you might experience after you finish a tooth extraction procedure.

On average, it takes less than an hour (about 40 minutes) to remove a single tooth. If the dentist wants to remove more than one tooth, he or she will spend an extra 15 minutes on every other tooth after the initial 40 minutes. This process can be faster than this, it can also be slower. The speed of the job depends on the dentist’s skill, level of experience, and access to necessary equipment. However, being a quick process, a dentist will not be in a haste to perform this process for you until he or she is fully abreast of your past medical condition. Knowing your medical history will make a dentist know whether tooth extraction is safe or you need to undergo dental surgery.

Dental surgery is done if the tooth is connected to another tooth through the root or if the root is brittle. This is the time where you use your health insurance because an ordinary tooth extraction cost way less than a dental surgery and the cost might just go way above your budget.

Why Will A Dentist Recommend Tooth Extraction?

Your dentist will not just finalize that you need a tooth extraction. He or she will first check if tooth extraction precautions could be taken before finally deciding to do the tooth extraction. Here are some of the reason why you might be considered for a tooth extraction.

  1. Decayed Tooth: A decayed or decaying tooth is one of the reasons why you need might need a tooth extraction. Naturally, the older we grow, the older our teeth grow too and when the teeth grow, there is the possibility that the teeth will begin to wear off or decay. This is a natural phenomenon, however, at a certain point, it becomes so bad that it causes unnatural problems for your teeth or might even cause bad breath.
  2. Wisdom Tooth: Another reason why you might be considered for tooth extraction is to remove your wisdom tooth. Wisdom tooth extraction helps to ease the jaw and allows us to bite easier. It was in the days of old that people used to keep their wisdom tooth. Since it was discovered that the wisdom tooth can cause gum disease or tooth decay, wisdom tooth extraction has become a norm among people.
  3. Orthodontics: Tooth extraction can come as a secondary process in treating certain tooth conditions. When some dental procedures are being carried out on your tooth and the tooth is not responding to treatment, a dentist can request your permission to do a tooth extraction.

What Happens After a Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction can be likened to an injury. You might not feel any pain when you first get the injury but as the injury heals, the area of the injury begins to itch you and you feel like scratching it. This is the same way that extraction from tooth recovery is. Bleeding, difficulty in eating and talking, pain, etc are some of the challenges that you will face in the first 14 days after tooth extraction.

Tooth extraction is just as simple as it sounds. Find a qualified and experienced dentist to help you with the process and take good care of the tooth after the extraction. The dentist will give you directives on how to do that.

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